Samsung Galaxy S11 Rumored to Be in Development With 'Picasso' Codename

Samsung Galaxy S11 Rumored to Be in Development With 'Picasso' Codename

Samsung Galaxy S11 reputed codename suggests artistic features.

Samsung Galaxy S11 Rumored to Be in Development With 'Picasso' Codename
Samsung Galaxy S11 is unlikely to have major design changes on Galaxy S10

  • Samsung Galaxy S11 will succeed the organization's Galaxy S10
  • The codename has all the earmarks of being propelled by twentieth-century Spanish craftsman
  • Samsung Galaxy S11 isn't likely to make a big appearance before 2020

 While Samsung is occupied in forcefully advertising the Galaxy S10 arrangement, a new talk guaranteeing the codename of the Galaxy S11 has risen on the Web. The cutting edge Samsung Galaxy leader is said to be a work in progress with the codename "Picasso". These indications at some of the artistic features on the Galaxy S11. Be that as it may, Samsung isn't likely to convey major design changes to the new lead - considering the organization's history of keeping up a similar design language for at any rate two years.

A tipster who uncovers unannounced improvements on Twitter utilizing the nom de plume Universe has asserted that the Samsung Galaxy S11 is codenamed, Picasso. This may be propelled by Spanish painter, stone worker, writer, and dramatist Pablo Picasso whose artwork from the twentieth century is exceptionally acclaimed even today.
The revealed codename suggests some artistic features on the Galaxy S11. In any case, there aren't likely to be many design-level changes since Samsung, for the most part, bring comparable design leaders for at any rate two years.

Having said that, the Samsung Galaxy S11 could have some prominent improvements over the Galaxy S10 models. One of the distinctions over the current year's leader could be the takeoff of the customary earphone jack that is accessible on all Samsung Galaxy S-arrangement models up until this point. Moreover, the telephone isn't likely to hit the market whenever before 2020.
It merits bringing up that like the codename of the Galaxy S11, Samsung is supposed to have the Galaxy Note 10 in plans with the codename "Da Vinci." However, much about both new first class Galaxy-arrangement telephones are yet to be uncovered.

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