Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 + Xinose 9820 processor based on SOC battery drain issue based by affected users Report

Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 + Xinose 9820 processor based on SOC battery drain issue based by affected users Report

Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 + Xinose 9820 processor based on SOC battery drain issue based by affected users Report
Samsung Galaxy S10 based on Exynos 9820 SoC was propelled in India and worldwide markets prior this month  


  • Samsung Galaxy S10 battery drain bug activated through VoIP administrations 
  • A few users have detailed the issue on open gatherings 
  • Restarting the Galaxy S10 models settle the issue briefly 

Samsung Galaxy S10 based on an Exynos 9820 SoC is being accounted for to have a bug that is influencing its battery life in the inert state. A few Galaxy S10 users have griped about the battery drain issue on their handsets that obviously develops once they utilize a VoIP administration through applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Viber. Close by the standard Galaxy S10 show, the issue is purportedly accessible on the Exynos-based Galaxy S10+. It, be that as it may, doesn't exist on the Galaxy S10 models running the Snapdragon 855 SoC. 

Various users on XDA Developer discussions and Reddit have revealed the battery drain issue on the Exynos-based Galaxy S10 ₹ 61,749 models. The issue, which is found to cause extreme battery drain when the telephone is out of gear mode, obviously hit in the wake of utilizing a VoIP administration. 

This implies once a client utilizes an application such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger to make or get a VoIP call, a bug keeps the Galaxy S10 from entering a profound rest state in reserve and in this manner impacts battery life. The bug is believed to be activated by the nearness sensor, which doesn't give the telephone a chance to enter profound rest. 

Strangely, a few users have detailed that the bug, which is affecting the battery life of the Exynos-based Galaxy S10 models, isn't influencing the Galaxy S10 models controlled by the Snapdragon 855 SoC.


We've connected with Samsung for clearness on the issue. Remarkably, the organization hasn't yet recognized the bug formally. A few users, in any case, report that they had the capacity to determine the issue in the wake of restarting the influenced handset. 

To review, Samsung not long ago propelled the Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, and Galaxy S10e based on Exynos 9820 SoC in India and other worldwide markets, though their Snapdragon 855-controlled variations achieved the US.

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