3 Different Ways to Find Who’s Connect Your Wi-Fi or Hotspot Network 2024

3 Different Ways to Find Who’s Connect Your Wi-Fi or Hotspot Network 2024

3 Different Ways to Find  Who’s Connect Your Wi-Fi or Hotspot Network 2024

Hello, friends if you are here it means you want to know who uses your mobile or broadband Wi-Fi which we need to tell you and we don't have to work hard to see how to do it and in just a few moments we will know That's who uses our Wi-Fi.


With most Siebel and the best way to see who's connected to your hotspot?


Hello friends, today I am serving you the best and power flower so that you will come to know how no one is using our mobile wrongly.


We know how to know who has done something on our mobile or not.

  • The Mobile gets hot and gets hot even when not using it
  • Sometimes without doing it the battery starts working
  • All internet is lost and the use of your data 


Some information is mentioned above because it is not so easy to get it done quickly, but if you feel any of the above-mentioned things, check it once.


Now you know that someone is not doing your internet.

Look, now there will be only a few mobiles which come with a problem and it would have been easy to do everything, but today we will know if any of our mobile hotspots are not being used.


See how many hotspots are connected to the mobile

  • Go to setting
  • And after going to Wi-Fi, go to the hotspot and it will show how many mobiles are connected there.
  •  In this way we can find out who is connected to our mobile and Hotspot can do it.


Now we will be able to know through apps that are connected to Wi-Fi and Hotpot of our mobile.

  • Go to Play Store and Find "Fing apps"
  • Install and Check all Permission and start 
  • Open the Fing app and see Who's connected to your Wi-Fi or Hotspot now.


We often connect to our computer even in K Wi-Fi, so many mobiles give it like this.

5 Ways to Find out Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network 2020
3 Different Ways to Find  Who’s Connect Your Wi-Fi or Hotspot Network 2022-23

If you using Router so check who's using your Wi-Fi 

 Go to Google and search now see your pc find more details and the login button now logging

 Admin and Password:- Admin now changes your password if you change the password type password 

Now going to Wi-Fi details now see Status and if all see or now go to ADVANCED and now see who's connected to your Wi-Fi.





  • How to know how many devices are connected to my Wi-Fi router?
  • Ans:- Now check your Chrome Browser and type or and check all Details Now type Your ID and Password and Follow the article behind the steps. 


  •  How can I see all devices connected to my Wi-Fi?
  • Ans:- Now, see your mobile Android/ios device Wi-Fi option and go to settings and check a device list or if you have any problems so Follow the article behind the steps.