The Tata Sky Android app, personalized content recommendations, has been updated with multiple profile support.

The Tata Sky Android app, personalized content recommendations, has been updated with multiple profile support.

The Tata Sky Android app, personalized content recommendations, has been updated with multiple profile support.
Tata Sky's IOS App has not yet received support for recommendations


  • Tata Sky Android app is allowing app subscribers to watch live TV
  • This app gives access to more than 400 TV channels
  • Tata Sky is also supporting demand on application content

Tata Sky released a fresh version of its live TV app on Google Play, with the support of individual play recommendations and the ability to include various profiles. Every single individual profile will accompany their own personalized recommendations. In addition to the application, personalized recommendations are also accessible to watch subscribers of the DTH service at, and will soon come to its iOS app. As indicated by a press release issued last week, UK-based ThinkAnalytics is fueling the personalized recommendations for both Tata Sky website and the apps.  

As per ThinkAnalytics, the recommendation motor will enable the Tata To sky subscribers to discover content based on genres, language, and notwithstanding streaming preferences based on the subscriber's last visit to the app or website. 
As we mentioned before, the recommendations are restricted to Tata Sky's Android app and website at this moment and will be accessible on the iOS version in the coming days. 

Aside from the personalized recommendations, the Tata Sky app is also getting support for numerous profiles. Prior, the app only enabled users to make one profile. Every one of the profiles of the refreshed Tata Sky app will offer personalized recommendations. 
To review, the Tata Sky app allows the consumers to watch live TV, check their record balance, top up their parity, and deal with their Tata Sky account. The live TV include offers access to over 400 TV channels. The app also lets users download their preferred content to watch disconnected and supports on-demand access to five days of content.

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